
Saying "I love you".

Recently I received a phone call from a woman I met a few years ago at a party. The purpose of the call was to let me know how my habit of telling people I hardly know “I love you” is changing her life.

She said, “The day we met you told me you loved me. I didn’t know what to think. No one ever said those words to me. Each time we spoke you said it again. Eventually I realized you really meant it.”

“The reason I am calling”, she continued, “is I started saying I love you to people I know. Many of them react the way I first did but I kept doing it. I noticed some of them, including a male member of my family, began saying it to people close to them. I wanted you to know I am doing it too and how it is making a difference.”

Tears flowed as I listened to the depth of her sincerity. I was humbled and deeply grateful for the gift she gave me that day.

Since my husband passed I began to question this habit thinking it might be misunderstood especially by men. I have been ending a conversation and written communication with those words for so long it would be difficult to break that habit.

Many years ago I read scientific research that proved how many hugs a person needs per day to be healthy, happy and fulfilled. I also knew how many people never hear the words “I love you.” 

I made the conscious choice to give the gift of those words and a hug to anyone willing to receive them. People who are around me often know it is just part of who I am.

Still questioning if this was a habit to continue I asked a close friend who is a mental health professional her opinion. The response, “ I love that about you. I started doing it too. Some people don’t understand but I keep saying it anyway.”

It is fun to know how a simple heartfelt habit can have a wonderful far reaching ripple effect. To me this is proof each of us have the power within us to make a difference in our world. A smile, a hug and kindness can change a person’s life. 

I believe this was my spirit letting me know this is an important habit to continue. When our heart is open, and our intention is pure, the divine spirit of our creator can flow through us freely to help a fellow human along their journey. 

This is one habit I intend to keep.

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