
The Power of Positive Self Talk

This week I began a new daily practice that is making such a difference in my life I want to share it with you.  

It is perhaps the most difficult thing I ever tried but after the first couple of times it is now one of my favorite things to do.

For years I read in books and heard from speakers and life coaches about the idea of mirror work.  It sounded a bit silly but in truth I just did not feel comfortable doing it.

So what is mirror work?

It is looking in a mirror and giving yourself the love and appreciation you deserve.  It always includes looking yourself in the eye and telling yourself "I love you".
Here is my new practice. Each night I sit in front of a mirror, look myself in the eyes and tell myself how proud I am of all the things I accomplished during the day. I say "I forgive you" for anything I feel I did that day that does not reflect the truth of who I am.  

This is followed by words of encouragement and support.  It is like talking to a dear friend who experienced an unwanted event.

I repeat affirmations that are appropriate for me at the time. I am worthy. I am willing to receive. I am loving. I am joyful.

Then I end the session by looking myself in the eyes and saying several times with conviction "I love you."

So what took me so long to start using this powerful tool? Self hate and self imposed judgement kept me from being willing to receive the love I deserved.  I did not feel worthy.

How did I get over my resistance?

I made a commitment to myself I would do whatever it takes to live a loving, peaceful and joyful life.  

In order to be more loving to others required I be more loving to myself.

The magic this is creating in me and my life is impossible to describe.  

I go to sleep with a smile on my face.  

I wake up with more energy ready to meet the demands of the day with love and compassion toward myself and others.

I invite you to give it a try and see what happens.  

You might discover it is more fun than you might think.

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