
Please Yourself

Recently I set an intention to reach a goal I felt was almost impossible to reach in the amount of time allotted.
Knowing it would help my friend I agreed to participate in my friend's plan.

As the deadline approached my mind attempted to figure out how I could reach the goal by doing something that did not feel comfortable to me.  I even took partial action in that direction.

Fortunately for me the plan was delayed when I performed a task of love for a friend.  That generous act opened the way for my goal to be reached without the need to manipulate the situation on my own.

The intention was honored and the goal was met on time. I wondered why I seemed unable to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.

As I listened to the unsettled feeling in my heart and reflected on the events of the past few weeks I discovered the truth.

The reason I set the intention in the first place was to please my friend.  It was my friend's desire, not mine.

I am grateful for the experience.  I learned the power of setting an intention and trusting it will be met.

 I honored myself by taking consistent daily actions to open the way for the chosen outcome.
I also learned to pay attention to uncomfortable feelings and make choices that come from a desire to please myself instead of someone else.

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