I love writing things down.
Early mornings I do automatic writing where I ask my spirit "What do you want me to know?" then take a deep breath, relax and allow my hand to write on its own without my mind controlling it.
During the recent shift in sight I was trying to write as usual and could not read what I was writing. The little voice in my head said... "Oh no, I can't write anymore."
Immediately following that thought came a flood of emotions....frustration, sadness, anger, etc. I was miserable for the rest of the day.
The next morning in my quiet time I was contemplating the experience of the day before and asking for insight and clarity when the thought came to me..."Just write bigger."
I picked up my pencil and began to write in much larger letters. It was not that I could not write anymore.
To read it meant doing it in a different way
In the days ahead as I learned to accept the current condition of my sight I began to explore information available in the blind community for those who experience vision loss.
One woman who experienced gradual changes in sight talked about going from a pencil, to a pen, to a wide felt pen so she could read her shopping lists.
I had to laugh at myself. All these years of trying to write a grocery list or write down a number when I did not have my glasses on...
it never occurred to me to write larger and use a darker writing instrument.So, I went to the store to look for a wider, darker pen.
I was amazed at what happened when I taught myself to use this new tool and use it in a new way.
All I had to do was write bigger using a different tool.
I had to change what I had been doing.
This morning I realized I had been asking for clarity and ease.
It came in an unexpected way through the path of unwanted change.
What is change bringing you?